What makes a true fan? Are you one of them?

You can ask almost anyone on the street if they are fan of some sports team, they will answer yes with a lot of pride, but are they as loyal as they say or are they just showing something to be like the others who are true fans? Being a fan of a club does not mean just picking the best team which always win and say that you are a fan of it.

A fan has to loyal to the team he is fan of. But then comes the question why they are fan of that team? There must be a reason and if the fan knows what he is talking about then this is a good sign of a good fan. There are many reasons like "Its the city I come from" or "A team that I like the play on the field of". Explanations like that lets us see the real reason of a fan. Not something like "Since they are winning I am fan of them" or "All my friends are fan of that team, that's why I'm a fan too". If you are a true fan then you better have a good reason.

A club needs loyal fans. Fans that support the team through good and bad times. Stand with the team even if they are loosing, like I have seen a lot of fans in soccer. A sport where there are the best fans, I would say. Fans that care about their team and support it any time. Fans that fight for their team. Keep up the good work!

That is some criteria of a good fan. If you have read this and did not like some of it, then it may be that you do not fit the criteria. That does not mean that you have to give up, no, start supporting your team like many others do and help them achieve their goal, with help of their fans!